Hurricane Emily Updates from Tulum, Playa del Carmen, & Cancun Mexico
***July 21, 2005, Post Emily update, I've gotten a number of emails from friends and family of those still in the Tulum area asking for information on the present situation. While I drove back to Cancun and flew out that afternoon, I thought I would post some photos of just before Emily hit. I stayed at the Hotel Posada Addy along with a group of French Students. As you can see, plywood is up on the windows and doors. When you open the door you have to bend down to get out. The plywood was used to protect the upper plastic part of the door. Photo 3 is of me talking to the French guys telling them how strong a Category 4 hurricane is and what to expect. They were keenly interested in the top winds and when they found out they could hardly believe it. The forth photo is of the British ladies who like the French students were just traveling the country and got stuck in a CAT 4 Hurricane. I told them what to expect but luckily for them they had the safest room in the motel. It was in a corner and out of the wind. The good news is the lowest pressure I recorded that night of the hurricane was 978 millibars which means that the strongest winds of Emily went to the north of us. However, there were a lot of power poles down that fed power into the city. It will likely be some time before power is restored. I left the area the morning after the storm to film parts north that were harder hit. I had a flight out that afternoon and decided to film the damage on the back to Cancun and catch my flight back if the airport was open. I know the Mexican government was working hard to restore services - I saw them out very early documenting the damage and controlling the traffic. On the way back to Cancun one government official coming the other way, told me the road was blocked (both lanes) by a fallen steel beam south of Playa Del Carmen. When I got there I just drove off the side of the road so I didn't have a problem getting back to Cancun. That was the only obstacle in my path. After every hurricane I've been to life is a little miserable without power and water but I'm sure your loved one's are ok and will contact you when the services are restored. Hang in there. Jim Edds |
***11pm EDT, 7/18/05, Florida Keys - Just some scattered thoughts before I rest my fried brain! What a long day it has been. I ended up in Tulum, Mexico for the better part of Emily. As I predicted Emily was really juiced up when it came ashore. There was all kinds of lightning during the night - something you don't see in every hurricane.. I checked in at the Pasada Motel in Tulum and much to my surprise so did about 30 French foreign students and 3 British chicks. And I thought I was going to be all alone! It was like some big international chaser convention in the middle of nowhere. My cell phone quit just as I was getting an update from Jeff Gammons around 7pm. Last I knew the eye was headed for Tulum. The leader of the French group spoke pretty good English so I brief him on what to expect from a 145 mph Hurricane.
Unfortunately, all the rooms faced
into the wind so the locals put up plywood over the plastic and metal
framed doors and windows.
Everyone was
out on the walk around balconies enjoying the wind pick up when a big gust hit
and all the lights went out. Well, they all retreated
to their rooms in a hurry after that. The wind was kicking up the dust big time
so I put on my goggles and went around passing
out light sticks and checking on folks. A short time later there was a big
gust of wind and I heard a loud bang. It turned out to be the |
***11:06 am EDT, 7/16/05, Cancun Mexico ***10:45pm, 7/16/05, Cancun Mexico ***8:36pm EDT, 7/16/05, Cancun Mexico update |
***I'm on the beach in Cancun, Mexico waiting for very dangerous borderline Cat
5 Emily. The hotel is likely
going to evacuate all the guests in a few hours. The locals know Emily is
coming this way but they don't not know
the details. I've been showing guests and staff the NHC graphics because I
have wireless internet. A lot of them remember |