Leonard Memorial Meteorology Scholarship Fund

photo: Mike Theiss
Jim Leonard was a well known storm chaser who filmed Tornadoes,
Hurricanes, Typhoons, Waterspouts, just about every type of severe weather
for over 40 years. His passion for extreme weather was legendary.
Sadly, Jim passed away from cancer in November 2014. A scholarship
fund has been set up through Mississippi State University and will benefit
meteorology students selected by the Geosciences Department. If you
would like to contribute please send a check to:
MSU Foundation
PO Box 6149
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Note in the memo line that the gift should be designated for the "Jim
Leonard Memorial Meteorology Scholarship". For more information about the
career and life of Jim Leoonard (aka Cyclone Jim) please visit:
Leonard's biography
website: www.cyclonejim.com
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